Raleigh is home to hundreds of thousands of unique individuals all striving for success. What unites everyone in the City of Oaks is our humanity. In December 2021, Revisn donated 93 fleece blankets to the organization Oak City Cares (OCC), a local organization giving aid to our homeless neighbors. With their deep network of partner contacts, as well as support via coordinated care efforts, OCC strives to build trusting relationships between public and private services and the people they serve. Revisn was honored to speak with the team at Oak City Cares and their Development Coordinator, Amanda Rapant, to discuss their services in detail.
When was Oak City Cares founded, and how long has Oak City Cares been in operation?
Oak City Cares opened its doors in April 2019. We have proudly been serving our Wake County neighbors in need ever since.
What is the main mission of Oak City Cares?
Oak City Cares is a public-private partnership that exists to support the self-determination of our neighbors experiencing homelessness through trusting relationships and connections to coordinated services that increase their ability to be safely and stably housed.

Oak City Cares, front. Photo courtesy of OCC
What kind of services does Oak City Cares offer?
Currently Oak City Cares provides day services that include laundry and shower services onsite. We also work with many wonderful partners who can connect our neighbors to behavioral health services and healthcare services.
How many people does Oak City Cares help each month/year?
Currently, OCC helps approximately 300 - 450 people per month and averages 1,300 - 1,600 unduplicated people per year.

Revisn's donations! Photo courtesy of Revisn Raleigh
What does Oak City Cares do that some people might not be aware of?
Oak City Cares is a multi-service center for our friends in jeopardy of or currently experiencing homelessness. OCC provides access to Basic Needs Services, such as showers; laundry services; access to telephones and computers; and mail service for those without an address. Through, our Care Coordination Program, we have team members that can offer short-term case management services, as well, as access and referrals to multiple agency partners that include, but are not limited to, street outreach services, connections to Coordinated Entry, mental health services, and substance use services. In addition to the aforementioned service connections, guests can also receive Primary Medical Care, SNAP Benefits, and Adult Medicaid Benefits onsite. Finally, guests are able to receive meals on weekends and some select holidays through our Weekend Meal Program.
What are some of the issues our homeless neighbors face that are unique to wintertime in Raleigh?
With COVID-19 still being prevalent in our community, one of the issues for our homeless neighbors is access to emergency shelter whenever the outside temperatures are dangerously low. Due to the pandemic and the reduction of available regular shelter beds, the community has had to come up with an alternative action plan to protect our friends when it is unsafe to be unhoused. The plan is still developing, but the community is still working on a safe and consistent way to provide this service. Another issue for our homeless neighbors is the lack of day-shelter for them to just have a place to be during the day. OCC is a day "services" center, so people leave when their services are completed for the day. After they leave OCC, there are very few places they can just go and be at due to restrictions in some of the other local establishments because of COVID.

Our team making the donation! Photo courtesy of OCC
How can Raleigh residents help OCC and support your mission?
Like the weather in North Carolina, our in-kind needs change. The best way to remain up to date with our in-kind needs is by viewing our Amazon Charity Wish List which can be found at oakcitycares.org/donate
Financial contributions are always welcome to help OCC maintain a steady revenue stream to ensure we continue to support our Wake County neighbors who rely on our services.
Volunteering is a great way to give back to your community, we have several different volunteer opportunities on our volunteer page: oakcitycares.org/volunteer
Want more information? Visit www.oakcitycares.com to learn how you can get involved in their mission. Visit www.revisn.com for more information on our fully-furnished, short-term apartments.

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